Prayer for Your Pastor

This week in our D6 Dads groups, we are discussing a chapter from Prayer Coach  by James Nicodem about praying for pastors.  I thought his suggestions were helpful so I would like to share them with you.  Some may apply more specifically to lead pastors, but all of them are good reminders of the importance of praying for our leaders.

Hesston MB, we pastors appreciate your prayers.

Here are seven days of praying for your pastor:
  • Day 1-That they would be honored, affirmed, encouraged and respected.
  • Day 2-That they would be protected from the focused attacks of Satan, stay far from sin, and walk in obedience to God's Word.
  • Day 3-That God would give them wisdom, patience, perseverance, and grace in facing people problems, and that those they lead would be loyal, understanding, and supportive.
  • Day 4-That their marriages and parenting would be God-pleasing and wise.
  • Day 5-That, in preparation for teaching God's Word, the would hear God's voice, protect their time for study, be kept from theological error, personally apply the truth, and be filled with God's Spirit.
  • Day 6-That they would consistently practice important spiritual disciplines.
  • Day 7-That they would be zealous for the church and compelling in promoting its mission.


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