Your Yearbook

This past week, I was reading from Jesus Is ________ by Judah Smith. He talks in one chapter about yearbook day. We all remember yearbook day. That day when you get your yearbook and you have everyone sign it and write nice things about you. You can't wait to read the comments at home. Did the quarterback of the team think I was a stud? Did the smartest girl think I was intelligent? Or we wonder, were they annoyed by me or thought I was stupid?

Here is the question Smith poses, "What would God write in your yearbook today?"

How would you answer that question? Of course, He would tell us He loves us. What else? Would He mention we did OK and keep striving and working to keep our sin under control? Would He remind us to keep serving and doing good things?

Share in the comments below what God would say in your yearbook.

Check back tomorrow for a few thoughts from Jesus Is ___________.


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