Quotes from Lead ONE-Part 1

Tim Sullivan-"Soul Care"

Leadership is all about influence. The church is losing its influence because of a lack of leadership.

Philippians 3:12-15-Even if we are not perfect, we can ask others to follow us in the steps of Christ.

Todd Franz-"Teamwork:Lessons I Learned in the NFL"

Big Picture/Small Picture (Fundamentals)
Go With the Flow (or not)-"Be who you were made to be."
Thick Skin (Accepting criticism w/o being offended)

Create (changing)-fear, watch me, Spirit-led
Caring for a Response (initiated, know names)
Everybody matters! How do you make them feel important and part of the team?
Reaction to Adversity-Are we prepared?

Eye in the sky don't lie (accountability, evaluate ourselves?)
Attitude toward criticism (how to be better teachers, leaders, etc.)
Big Picture (Discipleship)

Check back on Thursday and Friday for more quotes.


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