Winning or Losing?

Mark Driscoll reminds us we are in a spiritual battle in the final chapter of Who Do You Think You Are? But the good news is that we are winners not losers.  Be encouraged by these quotes about our victory in Jesus.
Have you ever wondered why life is so hard, suffering is so painful, agony is always near, and God seems far away? It's because there's an enemy who hates God, hates you, and has set his army against you because you're in Christ.
The trouble in our life is sometimes partially the fault of our sin or someone else's sin, but it's never the fault of God, as he is good and does not cause sin. Behind all sin, however, is Satan.
People are not ultimately your enemy; rather, they're held in captivity by your enemy, and they need to be set free.
You must never forget that you're saved and assured victory in Christ. Remind yourself daily. You're saved from Satan, sin, death, hell, and God's wrath.
The last thing the church needs is cowards that treat the Bible like an artifact more fit for a museum than a weapon for the battlefield.
we're not only saved by grace; we're also empowered by grace to victoriously live out our new identity in Christ.
There's good news: in Christ you have a new identity. And the great news about this good news is that once you really know and believe that, you life will be changed forever.


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