Give More Gospel

Today I preached on the topic of "Give More" from Advent Conspiracy.  Below are my notes from my message which tied in with our kid's Christmas program.

My theme is Give More. I have one point this morning-Give More Gospel
Define the gospel or draw a picture of what the gospel is.

 How people understand gospel

§  It’s what you say or what is shared at end of sermon that gets people saved

§  It’s what starts the Christian life, then we move on to something deeper

§  It’s a philosophy. For example, the gospel according to JL.

§  It’s a genre of music

§  It’s evangelism-It’s door to door, shouting from street corners (Repent)

§  It’s a lifestyle or how we live (be the gospel or live the gospel) You might be the only Jesus someone sees. It’s being good. It’s WWJD.

Quotes on the gospel

§  We are not only saved by the gospel, but we also now grow by the gospel…We never leave the gospel behind. (Tim Keller in Galatians For You)

§  The gospel is an announcement, not about what we are to do for God, but about what He has done for us…you cannot confuse the effects of the gospel with the gospel itself. (J.D. Greear in Gospel pg. 228)

§  The gospel is not about me. The gospel is about Jesus. It is the proclamation of the person and work of Christ, and of how a person can appropriate the benefits of the work of Christ by faith alone. (R.C. Sproul in John Commentary)

What do we learn from Scripture?

§ Gospel is literally “Good News”- 10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. (Luke 2:10)

§  1 Corinthians 15:1-4

·         Vs. 1-I want to remind you…We need to be reminded of the gospel all the time. We naturally default to the law.  However, the good news of the gospel we easily forget because it seems too good to be true.  It is for all of life. 

·         Vs. 2-By the gospel, we are saved. The gospel brings salvation.  In Romans 1:16 we read the gospel is the “power of God” for salvation. This is why so often it has been misunderstood as just what starts the Christian life and then it is up to you.  It is why many try to “move on” to other things than the gospel.  We need to go deeper in the gospel.

·         Vs. 3-first importance-literally first of all-this is the most important thing of Christian life-here it is--Christ died for our sins.

·         Vs. 4--Includes his life and that He rose again.

 ·         How can you give more gospel
o   Point to Jesus-What is the answer the world’s problems? The gospel.  It’s Jesus.

§  God wants to be in relationship with you. Immanuel-God With Us

§  Molly asked, “what do I have to do?” There’s nothing for you to do because it is has already been DONE. Jesus paid it all. Jesus is our substitute.  All we can do is Believe & Receive.


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