Sex. Do I have your attention?

We as a people are fascinated with sex.  The church over the years has not always handled the topic very well.  In Scott Sauls book, Jesus Outside the Lines, he has some great thoughts for us to consider. Below are some quotes:
Like fire, sex can be incredibly life giving, comforting, and healing when handled with care. It is among the most delightful of all human activities. It is also among the most dangerous. Like fire, when sex is taken outside its natural and created boundaries, it becomes destructive, leaving burn marks and scars. That's why God is in favor of chastity, or sexual abstinence, for those living outside the covenant of marriage.
Biblically, the most interesting and attractive women and men are those whose hearts are at rest because they know that God loves them.
Until we learn to see people as people instead of things, as image bearers to be loved instead of objects to be used, sexuality will only become more confused and broken. 
God is favor of sexual freedom--within the bounds of marriage...
Every person--married or unmarried--must have people in their lives for support, companionship, intimacy, and human touch.
The best sex in this life will seem boring compared to the intimacy that will be enjoyed daily between Jesus and his people.
My identity is not found in my marital status but in my redemptive status... 


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