Tweets and more tweets

Here are some of my favorite tweets from the last few weeks.  This is one of the blessings of social media where we can hear the gospel from people all over the world. If you like the tweet, go and follow the person on Twitter.
“Confession frees us. It equips others, and sometimes it frees others, too. It is worth it.” - Tam Hodge @CL_USMB #usmbyouthcon
Jesus commanded believers to love one another. Because of Jesus’ great mercy to us, we can show mercy to others. #thegospelprojectkids
Every Christian is vitally connected to the person and work of the Spirit of the living God! @jaredcwilson
In every believer who walks across the pages of Scripture we see the dark shadows of Adam’s legacy as well as glimmers of the bright beauty of Jesus, the second Adam. (Dennis E. Johnson)
If we were dismayed that Adam’s offense has rendered us, his children, guilty, how grateful we can be that another Servant, acting on our behalf, withstood the test in complete obedience, so that his one act of righteousness is counted ours by the free gift of grace! (D. Johnson) 


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