I had "the talk" with my son today

Today, has been quite a day. I started the day with a fun walk with Bethany and Molly through town running errands. Molly loves being outside and was able to end the walk by playing with her buddy, Jacob at the park.

After lunch, I had the joy of going to the dentist. I don't mind the dentist, but lately our family has spent a lot of money on teeth. So, I was hoping for a good report. However, I was not expecting much since one of my fillings had a piece fall out last week. So, all of that to say that I get to go back to the dentist again next week for a crown. I did get to work out following my dentist trip before my time with Mitchell which I always enjoy.

Mitchell and I both had appointments for hair cuts today and so after we finished with that we went to the park to have "the talk." He had been asking a lot of questions lately and Bethany and I decided it was time to hear it from us rather than TV or friends. We read through a book called, "Before I Was Born" by Carolyn Nystrom. It is well written and addresses the information concisely. I think it was just enough information for him. However, the book says it is written for ages 5-8. He told me had heard the words "puberty" and "sex" before but did not know what they meant. I was pleased with the conversation and hope he will feel comfortable to come to me with questions in the future. We ended our guy time playing at the park and going to his choice for supper, Subway.


  1. Oh No! Not "the talk." He can't possibly be old enough for "the talk." We haven't even given Aaron "the talk" yet. They all grow up way too fast.

  2. I'm proud of Jl for being such an involved father and also Mitch for being so grown up.


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