Perfect People

One of my favorite songs playing on K-Love right now is Perfect People by Natalie Grant. I am going to print the lyrics here for you.

Never let 'em see you when you're breaking
Never let 'em see you when you fall
That's how we live and that's how we try
Tell the world you've got it all together
Never let them see what's underneath
Cover it up with a crooked smile
But in only lasts for a little while

Chorus: There's no such thing as perfect people
There's no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scarred
Lift up your heart and be amazed
And be changed by a perfect God

Suddenly it's like a weight is lifted
When you hear the words you are loved
He knows where you are and where you've been
And you never have to go there again


Who lived and died to give new life
To heal our imperfections
So look up and see out let grace be enough


Be changed by a perfect God

It's time that the church take the words of this song to heart. We are not perfect. God's word says in Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". We are sinners saved by grace. We do a disservice to God and His church when we show up on Sunday acting like we have it together when we are hurting. We also damage Christ's cause when people in the world see us as judgmental and perfect. They know they cannot be perfect and would rather stay home than be judged by people who have it all together when they know they do not. The world needs to see it's not about being perfect, but about being changed by a perfect God. Let's show up at church this Sunday as we are rather than putting on a fake smile or mask.


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