Prayer . . . America's Hope

The theme for this year's National Day of Prayer is "Prayer . . . America's Hope." The honorary chairperson this year is Beth Moore. I would like to share one of her quotes, "Every young person, male or female, no matter what your background, no matter how much experience you've had, you can be powerful in prayer. Lift up your voice. Simply voice the needs around you. What is it you see that we are desperate for as a nation? Cry out to God. Prayerless lives are powerless lives. But prayer-filled lives are powerful every single time there is intercession before the throne of God. You will never waste a moment you spend in prayer."

Here are a few Scriptures about prayer: 1 Timothy 2:1-2; Romans 12:12; Psalm 50:15; James 5:16; Ezra 8:23; Isaiah 59:1

I firmly believe in the power of prayer. I have seen it in my own life as well as the lives of others. God hears our prayers and He has the power to do something about it. We know this as believers, but we still go through life without much prayer. Why is this? I believe people don't think they are worthy enough to pray. Others feel they don't know how to pray. For most of us however, we just to do not prioritize prayer in our lives.

I want to say thanks to my mentor of prayer, Carol Conner. Carol was a member at GracePoint Community Church in Littleton, CO, where I was on staff as a youth pastor. Early on in my ministry, Carol approached me and asked if the two of us could pray weekly for the youth. I was excited about her desire for prayer and agreed to it. Little did I know how much this prayer warrior would teach and model for me.

We prayed every week for the need's of our youth and church. She was so humble, but bold and powerful in her prayers. She truly cared about people and prayed faithfully. If you asked her to pray--she did! She would pray throughout the day. She lived out 1 Thessalonians 5:17. I learned so much about attitude in prayer and how to do spiritual battle in prayer from her. She taught me what prayerwalking is. Many times we would go to schools or the Denver Coliseum to pray before big events so hearts would be prepared for what would happen there later.

I could go on and on. She would see someone when out prayerwalking and go ask them how she could pray for them. She also was a powerful evangelist. She shared her faith on many occasions and told them about who Jesus is. She modeled what it means to be "faithful in prayer." I have loved her personal prayers for me over the years. When Carol prayed, God would bring to mind Scriptures and details that were so encouraging and challenging to me. She was not about recognition and being seen as super-spiritual, but instead wanted to live out Matthew 22:37-39 with passion.

Again, I say a wholehearted thanks to my good friend and prayer warrior, Carol Conner. I have put into practice much of what she taught me. Much of what God has done through me was a result of learning from her. May I be a prayer warrior today and for the rest of my life!

Please participate in activities related to the National Day of Prayer in your community. If in Hesston, our church (Hesston MB) will be open to the community to come and pray for 24 hours beginning tonight, May 6 at 7:00 through tomorrow, May 7th at 7:00 p.m. You may come and go as your schedule allows. There will be prayer prompts to guide your time of prayer. There are so many needs around us so we need to set aside this day to lift up those requests to our awesome God. Looking forward to seeing God do a mighty work as a result of our prayers.


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