Daddy, Bug!

Molly loves bugs! She is so fascinated by each and every one of them. When I got home tonight from work, she was outside. First, I found her at our neighbor's driveway looking at tiny snails. Then we came back to our driveway where she found a "hopper" as she calls them. She would get near the grasshopper and it would jump. It was almost as if it was playing with her. Mr. or Mrs. Grasshopper would jump a little bit from where it was previously. He or she would wait until Molly almost touched it before it jumped again. Molly just loved it! She laughed and kept saying, "Hopper, jump, hopper, jump." What a great way to come home from work.

After supper, we went on a walk to the edge of Hesston. She usually rides in the stroller, but she wanted to walk tonight. I decided to let her. It was fun walking hand in hand down the street. Again, I had to point out all of the dead animals along the street. We saw a hopper, snake, frog, and bug, all who had met an untimely death. We made it all the way to the place where we turn around without any stops. On the way back, she kept stopping and sitting on the curb and saying, "I rest." After several more stops, she found another bug. "Holy Poly" she said. It wasn't one, but I don't know for sure what it was. The bug was all over the place looking for a place to hide from Molly. It went into cracks and ran away. One of the men in the neighborhood was using a hose and it started to cause water to flow towards the bug. Molly immediately wanted to save the bug from the rushing water. I think the bug might have been more scared of her than drowning, but any way Molly kept trying to save the bug. Eventually, I got her to head back home. It was an enjoyable hour walk with my youngest daughter who loves bugs!


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