First Wedding I Officiated

This weekend, I had the privilege of officiating at the wedding of a close family friend. I was the ring bearer in the bride's parents wedding, the bride lit the candles at my wedding, and now I was able to be a part of their special day.

Being the pastor for a wedding begins long before the wedding day. We began meeting in March for premarital counseling. I had previously been trained in Prepare/Enrich-a premarital and marital inventory. Both the bride and groom take the inventory and it returns a 30 page report to the pastor to discuss in counseling. I enjoyed talking about strength and growth areas with the couple. As well, as to talk about their own families, finances, conflict resolution, and communication. It was a learning experience for them and got them to ask the hard questions about their relationship. I highly recommend and urge all couples to seek premarital counseling before getting married. I know I will not officiate a wedding without this crucial and important step.

Back to the wedding-as the title suggests, this was my first wedding to officiate. I had a little nervousness thinking through all of the details from rehearsal to actual ceremony. I prayed a lot during the weekend for God to speak through me and give me confidence as I spoke and to take away any butterflies or nervousness. God, of course, answered this prayer! I thought everything went well and I was able to enjoy being a part of this wedding. I look forward to many more weddings in the future.

Blessings to Allison and Brent Garst as they begin their marriage!


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