Hide & Seek

Mitchell had been asking for a couple of days to play a game of family hide and seek. We were busy the last two nights, but I told him that I had Wednesday afternoon off and we would play then. So, the kids got home and got settled and we started our game. Molly and I were on a team. We counted first. Molly loves to find people. Then when it was our turn to hide, Molly loved finding a place, but as you can imagine-a 2 year old cannot be very quiet and so we usually were found first. It was a great time of fun for the whole family!

This made me think about how we hide from God and from others. Not literally hiding, but instead hiding who we truly are. We feel shame or unworthiness and think we can hide from God. We know God knows all and sees all, but something inside of us reasons we must keep this from God or He will not love me. It's similar to playing peek-a-boo with a baby-they think you can't see them when they have their eyes covered. In the same way, we as Christians, hide our true selves from our church family. We say to ourselves, "If they knew I thought this or did that, they would look down on me or not let me be a part of the church or not associate with me." There begins our hiding our true feelings and thoughts when we enter the church building. This Sunday, our pastor will be preaching on transparent relationships and Bethany will be singing a song by Casting Crowns called "Stain Glass Masquerade". My prayer is that we would be found by our loving heavenly father and let ourselves be found by those who are the Body of Christ.


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