Blessed by Prayer

On Sunday night, we had prayer meeting at our church. I am always blessed by the time of prayer, but this week was different. Why? I am not sure.

We began our prayer time by singing, Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying. Here are the lyrics:
"Lord, listen to your children praying. Lord, send your Spirit in this place. Lord, listen to your children praying. Send us love, send us power, send us grace."
The next 45 minutes flew by as people prayed from the heart. We had many requests to pray about and the Holy Spirit seemed to be moving in a powerful way.

As I reflected on the prayer time, I wondered why prayer meetings are not more popular (for lack of a better word). We have the opportunity and privilege to approach the throne of grace with fellow believers (who we learn from and hear their hearts/passions). We know God asks us to pray and says that as we gather in His name-that He is there. Every time I gather to pray with others, I experience God's presence in a special way. So, why is the sanctuary not full?

I can think of several reasons, but I am not writing to convict others (that is the Holy Spirit's job). I just want to encourage everyone to seriously consider why they don't show up when their church has a prayer meeting. Super Christian status is not required, just a humble heart who wants to lift up others in prayer. God is good & prayer is powerful! I hope we see a mighty move of God in the coming months because of the prayers of His people.


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