
This week, in our pastoral staff meeting, we were discussing the topic of unity introduced by the book, Unfashionable. As I read chapter 9, I was reminded of Jesus' prayer for us as the body of Christ to be unified. What does this exactly look like? Let me share a few quotes from the book that I think explain it well.

"In contrast, the highest aim of mission-minded people is not self-protection but self-sacrifice. Mission-minded people exist primarily not for themselves but for others. They're willing to set aside personal preferences in service to those with different preferences. They're willing to be inconvenienced, discomforted, and spent for the well-being of others."

"Lacking love for the body (and for any individuals in the body) shows a lack of love for the Head of the body. If we love Christ, we will love one another."

"But when reconciliation, peacemaking, and unity are on display inside the church, that becomes a powerful witness to this fractured world."

Quote from Herodotus about Greece in 480 B.C., "civil war in the face of an external threat is suicide . . . When the enemy is at the gate, that's not the time to be throwing each other out the window."

What do I learn from these quotes?
  • People in the church are quick to say, "My needs are not being met & then leave." What does unity require? It means we sacrifice to others' preferences at times. It means that just because specific details are not what we want-that we are willing to focus on unity instead of division.
  • Bickering and gossip within the church is a barrier to the spread of the gospel. Why would a non-Christian want to be a part of the church when all they hear and see is people disagreeing over the color of the carpet (or you fill in the blank)? We need to ask ourselves if church politics get in the way of life changing message of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
  • It's not about me! I have opinions and preferences and ways I like to do things. But those are second to what our purpose or mission is as the body of Christ.
  • It's all about love. If I love Christ, then I will work to love the body of Christ.
  • Satan wants us in the church to fight. He knows when the body is united and on mission, he loses big time. Satan is attacking Christians and the church on a regular basis. When the Enemy is assaulting us, is it wise to be creating chaos within the walls as well (as seen in Herodotus quote)? We need to be in prayer for the church and for one another.
Let's strive for the unity that Jesus prays for in John 17:20-23!


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