Grandpa Great

Yesterday, I found out that my Grandpa Worley had died. Grandpa Great was the name given to him by the great grandkids. He had been very sick for a long time now. He had lung cancer. I plan to go to Iowa to his funeral on Thursday. I look forward to spending time with family. On a side note, I am going to be taking the train which will be a first for me.

I told the kids last night that now I do not have any grandparent alive.

As I think back about Grandpa Worley, I am reminded of several things:
  • He could eat! There was not anyone who could eat more than him.
  • He could squeeze! When he would shake your hand or give you a hug, it was definitely firm and usually a hand or back breaker.
  • He was a hard worker! Until he was diagnosed with lung cancer, he worked every day of his life. He was not going to retire. He always had to be doing something.
  • He was Mr. Fix-it! Since I am definitely not like this, he was able to fix things around the house and was quick to help out.
  • He was loud! Bethany says this is a "Worley Trait". His voice boomed when he would talk. She will sometimes tell me I am using my Worley voice.
  • He was not good at cards! When we would gather for Christmas or Thanksgiving the last few years, he would occasionally play pitch or nello (he called it mello). He was not good.
We will miss you Grandpa!

Oh, and by the way, he also looked like Santa Claus.


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