Favorite Quotes from #Exponential

You can read my notes from all of the speakers in previous blog posts.  Today, I am sharing some of my favorites from different speakers:
Don't assume God is not at work in certain people or certain places.
Be looking or listening for how God is already working. (Deb Hirsch)
When Jesus says one thing and we experience something else, it should lead us to ask why. (Lance Ford)
Discipleship is moving from unbelief to belief in all of life. All sin comes from unbelief.
4 Truths about God: God is Great so you don't have to be in control. God is Glorious so you don't have to fear others. God is Good so you don't have to look elsewhere for your satisfaction. God is Gracious so you don't have to prove yourself to self, others or God. (Caesar Kalinowski)
The church needs to have a big front door-new believers.
The church needs to have a big back door-church planting. (Nicky Gumbel)
Repentance means to believe the truth and live in light of that truth. Repentance is not stop that & feel bad. Look at church discipline in light of identity. Justice and righteousness is same Hebrew word. It is not punitive but restorative.                          (Caesar Kalinowski)
Throw the net! Our job is to fish. It's the Holy Spirit's job to clean them.(Choco DeJesus)
We need to see people for who they really are.  See them as God sees them and for their value. (Danielle Strickland)
We, as Christians, should be the least judgmental movement in the world. (Hugh Halter)
How questionable is your life? Do you evoke anyone's curiosity? Live a questionable life! (Michael Frost)
 Good preaching will deconstruct worldviews and reconstruct with the good news.   (Matt Chandler)
Too often we are trying to make a point rather than make a difference. I cannot make someone fall in love with Jesus. But I can set up dates. (Andy Stanley)
Don't put your focus on your holiness or mission, but instead on Jesus. This is diagonal discipleship. We need to be people who collect the promises of God. For every look at sin, look at Jesus ten times. Make Christ the functional center not application. Create a thick gospel culture. Give application throughout a message, End with Christ.    (Jonathan Dodson)
Justice-Getting what you deserve; Mercy-Getting less than you deserve; Grace-receiving gift you don't deserve. The only thing you can do when looking over the Grand Canyon is gasp.  The same is true about grace. (Bill Hybels)


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