Jesus > Religion

I am currently reading Jesus > Religion by Jefferson Bethke.  I am holding off on the recommendation because I am only a few chapters in.  But here are a few quotes:

It isn't just good advice (religion); it's good news (Jesus).

Jesus became the face of the Law rather than the concrete tablets Moses is always holding in those ancient depictions. Love is the new law.

That is the essence of fundamentalism--living by the rules to stay out of trouble rather than seeing the rules as tools to bring us into intimacy and joy. We exchange relationship with God for a bunch of church games.

There is no glory brought to God's name when people are doing something because it's an obligation, with no real enjoyment of their Creator.

In speaking of the parable of the prodigal son, Bethke writes, "God gives grace to the younger and the older. No one is past redemption. No one is past grace. All God wants is for both the religious and the rebellious to come into the party."


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