Gospel by J.D. Greear

While I was traveling to Exponential conference, I finished Gospel by J.D. Greear.  I highly recommend this book to everyone.  J.D. (who I happen to love his name as a fellow initialer) does a great job explaining how the gospel impacts all we do.  Today, I am going to share some introductory quotes.  In a few days, I will share his Gospel Prayer.  Enjoy these quotes!
I want you to see the gospel not only as the means by which you get into heaven, but as the driving force behind every single moment of your life.
The goal of the gospel is to produce a type of people consumed with passion for God and love for others.
but read fruit comes only from one place: abiding in Jesus. . .In the same way, spiritual fruit isn't made by focusing on the commands of spiritual growth. . .but true spiritual fruit comes from getting swept up in intimate, loving encounters with Jesus Christ. His love is the soil in which all of the fruits of the Sprit grow. . .So if you want to see spiritual fruit in your life, don't focus primarily on the fruits. Focus on Jesus' acceptance of you, given to you as a gift. Focusing on spiritual fruit will usually produce only frustration and despair, not fruitfulness.
The "laws" of God tell me what to do, but don't really give me the power to do them--at least to obey them from the heart. What religion is unable to do, God does for us in the gospel. 


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