D6 Dads

Yesterday, I blogged about Daddy Day and the realization I had as I took Molly to preschool. As a parent, when days are long and hard and kids are difficult, we wonder when we will have a break. But when you send your child off to preschool, kindergarten, middle school, high school, you realize that time is flying by.

One of the greatest joys I have had in ministry was starting a group called D6 Dads. What is D6 Dads you might ask? Well, first of all, I "borrowed" the name from the D6 Conference www.d6conference.com put on by Randall House. They have t-shirts that say this. They got the name from Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Go ahead and read these verses to get a better understanding about what the D6 Conference is and what the goal is for our D6 Dads' groups.

But D6 Dads is a group of fathers who gather every other week. During these times, we pray together, read a book together, and discuss what it means to be a godly father. I have come to look forward to each and every time we meet.

D6 Dads is starting up again today. These groups meet at Hesston MB Church and because I know dads are busy there are three opportunities to attend: Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m., Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m., & Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. Pick the group that fits best into your schedule. This not a group for perfect dads because there is no such thing. But instead D6 Dads is for dads who want to be the best dad they can be with the help of the Holy Spirit. D6 Dads gives fathers an opportunity to discuss the challenges of being a father, to grow in the area of fatherhood, and be held accountable by other dads. Any dad from the area is welcome to attend. Contact me if you have questions at 327-2847 or 620-747-2411.


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