Prayer for Schools

Today is Prayer for Hesston Schools. We will gather at the flagpoles of the local schools to pray for the upcoming year. Everyone is invited whether you have a child in school or if you are an interested community member. The schedule is as follows: Hesston Elementary at 7 p.m., Hesston High at 7:25 p.m., & Hesston Middle School at 7:45 p.m. I hope you will join us!

As I think about the importance of prayer, I am reminded of a few people who have helped me to grow in the area of prayer. I fondly remember praying with my friend, Carol Conner at the Denver Coliseum before Acquire the Fire or Dare 2 Share or at Littleton High School before school began. Carol and I prayed weekly for our youth ministry as well. She taught me much about the ministry of prayer.

Also, I remember praying with Melanie Soard for our church and other needs. We had many great conversations about prayer together. I was glad to learn from Fred Lian & others as we incorporated a prayer team into the worship service at GracePoint Community Church. I also benefited from the wisdom and maturity of the Navajo Prayer Team as we would gather to pray in preparation for our family mission trip to New Mexico. I remember some powerful prayer times on the reservation, at the youth hostel, and at the peaceful valley.

I share this with you to encourage you to always be seeking to grow in the area of prayer. There are many great books written on the subject of prayer. But equally important are mentors who help you to grow in your prayer life. I am thankful to all of the individuals mentioned above as they have been an amazing blessing to me. As evidenced by the mentors above, the best way to develop a strong prayer life was to actually do it. Yes, that's right. Rather than just talk about being a prayer warrior, actually start praying.

This can happen in many ways. Pray on your own. Join a prayer group at your church. Commit to pray with a partner on a regular basis. Join others during special prayer times such as Prayer for Hesston Schools, the National Day of Prayer in May, or other community or state events. It does not matter which you choose, but the important thing is that you commit to praying.


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