The Soul of a Leader

Steve started his second session by reading the parable of the soils from Luke 8. According to Macchia, this is a parable about the heart and if it is receptive or not. The 3 soils that are unreceptive are the path, rocky, and thorny. He then explained that he believes that the soul of the leader is the most neglected part of a person. He shared how leaders are quick to take care of themselves emotionally, physically, relationally, professionally, but often our souls are forgotten.

To receive from God, we must be unhurried. He shared his personal experience of doing many great things for God and being involved in many spiritual disciplines. However, he was doing so many spiritual disciplines all at once that he became overwhelmed. Because of this imbalance, he narrowed his practice of spiritual disciplines to focus on the Word of God, Prayer, and Reflecting through journaling. He said, "Running yourself ragged is damaging to your soul."

His solution? As a leader, we need to focus on the soul. How? He shared an acronym to help us as leaders.
  • S-Spacious Place-This a place we set apart to meet with God. We need to learn how to be with God not just do for God. Where is this for you? When does it happen?
  • O-Open Attentiveness-He recommended a book by Eugene Peterson called "Eat This Book" and challenged us to be open and attentive to the Word and not rush through it. How much do we have to read? How long do we have to pray? According to Macchia, it is more important to be available than complete a task.
  • Unhurried Receptivity- God has more important things to say to me than I have to say to Him. God is tapping on our shoulder 24 hours a day. Are we responding?
  • Lifestyle of a Leader-We need to be about transformation. Who does the transforming? God not us. We must be open handed and available to be used by God.
To learn more about Steve Macchia, visit his website Leadership Transformations at


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