Good Books & Good Coffee

On Thursdays, I spend the morning reading at my favorite coffee shop, Lincoln Perk. I read some great books yesterday and wanted to share a few quotes from each of them. Those books are Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony & Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman. I hope these quotes will challenge and inspire you and maybe encourage you to pick up the books and start reading.

Not A Fan
"In the Old Testament it says "God with us"--but in the New Testament it's "God in us."

"Fans eventually get burned out from trying to live the Christian life out of their own efforts . . . Followers of Jesus understand that it's a journey they were never to make alone. Instead we keep in step with the Spirit and he supernaturally gives us the strength and the power we need."

"A belief, no matter how sincere, if not reflected in reality isn't a belief; it's a delusion."

"More than he wants our acts of piety, more than he wants our adherence to religion, more than he wants our observance of rules and rituals, more than he wants our words of affection, he simply wants to know us and for us to know him."

Spiritual Parenting
"When these two places, home and faith community, work together in harmony, they have lifelong influence. Neither home nor faith community can do it alone, but together they offer the best opportunity for faith to take root into the adult years."

"Creating an environment where your children from the earliest days ask a very important question is critical for their faith development. The critical question that service asks is simply, "What needs to be done?"

"We reinforce this heart posture through repetition. We tell and show our children in every situation what it means to be a servant."

"It's necessary to train our children that sometimes we're going to see the result and sometimes we don't, but either way, it's an act of spiritual service to God. Service is our act of worship to Him."

"As parents, one of our roles is to match the experiences of faith and action with the knowledge that they're learning."
So, what do you think?

I look forward to finishing both of these books as they have challenged my thoughts and my actions.


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