
I am continuing to read James Nicodem's book Prayer Coach.  Chapter 4 is entitled, "Promptings."  I look forward to discussing this book with our D6 Dads' groups.  Here are a few quotes that struck me:
"Whenever we find ourselves worrying about something a little alarm should go off in our minds. Time to pray! Time to pray! Time to pray!"
"How often do I come up with plans when God wants me to come up with prayers?"
"This Scripture (Philippians 4:6-7) plainly teaches that if something is big enough to worry about, it's big enough to pray about."
"You can do all sorts of things after you've prayed. But you can do nothing of significance until you've prayed."
"Temptation should prompt us to pray!"
"Lord, I'm feeling the tug of sin. Would you please satisfy the desire that sin is promising to fulfill?"
"We must cultivate the habit of immediately interceding for those who have just unburdened themselves on us."
"When we're angry with someone we can be certain that the Spirit is prompting us to pray."


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