Thank you, Lord for opportunities

Last week, I had three opportunities to minister to three different people.  These all occurred on the same day and followed a great conversation I had with Jen Cox about listening to the Lord's guidance in our daily lives.  It was such a blessing to be used by God & each one I could have missed if I had been in too much of a hurry.

The first was prompted by Prayer Coach which encouraged me to pray immediately when someone shares a burden or concern.  I received a phone call and the person was sharing a concern & I was about to hang up when I decided to ask if I could pray for them right over the phone.  They said yes and I was able to share the blessing of prayer.

The second opportunity came when I had opportunity to be discouraged about a ministry situation.  Instead of focusing on the negative, I turned my focus on impacting people even if that means one person at a time.  I was able to use the potential discouraging situation to get to know an individual well, to share about family, and to pray together.

The last and probably the most challenging was encouraging my discouraged, angry and frustrated son.  He had lost his second football game and was being hard on himself.  As I drove home, I prayed and asked God for wisdom, direction, and patience when I talked to Mitchell.  I was able to go in his room and share my nightly blessing, pray about specific frustrations he was having, and remind him about a God who hears & answers prayers and can do the impossible. 

I give God the glory for all these opportunities.  Looking back, I almost missed each of them, but thankfully I was led by the Spirit instead of my own strength.  I share these not too brag, but instead to remind each of us to be available to the Holy Spirit's leading each and every day.


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