The Parent Project #d62012

Leon Wirth & Roy Baldwin were presenters of this workshop. Both work for Focus on the Family.  Visit their site here

Challenge: How does the Church make a lasting impact on the community and earn the opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ?

Passion: Reveal God to the World through the Beauty of Family

Why Does Family Matter? What would happen if family disappeared from society tomorrow?

The challenges teens face are always best met when the parents are involved, especially but not exclusively Daddy.

Why Family Matters:
  • Our deepest pains and joys-and our need to belong and have significance-universally begin with family.
  • This is because the fullest created expression of God's very nature, image, and story is the family.
  • Thus, a life that honors the family in redemptive grace and truth glorifies His image, and so satisfies us like nothing else.
  • A life that dishonors the family disgraces His image, and so shrinks us like nothing else.
"By understanding God's design and purpose for family, then aligning your beliefs and practices, your family and community will thrive."

We draw closer to the heart of God by rediscovering what He means the Family to be and to do.

A New Approach: Focus, by God's grace and with the help of some wonderful community and school leaders, has found an innovative way to have a pre-evangelistic impact at the local school level . . .

The Santa Ana Story-Demographics
  • 329,000 population
  • 79% Hispanic
  • 2009-2nd most stressful place to live
  • 100 registered gangs
Model of Care (see picture below)

Overview of Initiative

Respond: Come alongside parents at their point of need with relevant tools
Protect: Help parents protect their children from the harmful influences of culture that lead to at-risk behaviors
Teach:Teach and empower parents the how's and why's towards healthier family outcomes
Mobilize: Equip families to reach out beyond themselves to Respond, Protect, and Teach other families in their community


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