Speak, for your servant is listening

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is of Samuel learning to hear God.  You can read the story in 1 Samuel 3:1-10.  God was speaking to Samuel, but he was mistaking the voice for someone else.  Finally, Eli advised him to go back to bed & say, "Speak, for your servant is listening." God then spoke and directed Samuel's future.

Many years ago, I began a "discipline" for lack of a better word that looks much like this story.  I realize that God's Word guides, feeds, & strengthens me (from Hide N Seek lesson last night). So, what better way to start the day than to allow God's Word to shape my day.  Sometimes this includes reading Scripture, but other times it involves listening.

Now, I cannot say that God has spoken audibly to me.  However, God has often influenced and shaped personal, family, & ministry decisions by clear impressions He puts on my heart.  So, how does this work?  I will spend some time in prayer & reading the Word and then follow Samuel's pattern, "Lord, speak, for your servant is listening."

Then I begin the hard part of being quiet and listening for what God might speak to my heart.  God often will bring to mind Scripture references or specific words. This is where http://www.biblegateway.com/ or http://www.youversion.com can be helpful to find specific passages.  God often will give a specific passage that is exactly what I needed to hear that day or something that will shape what happens in my day.

I encourage you to try this some morning.  Check back tomorrow for a specific passage that God put on my heart from today.


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