Favorite Quotes of Day from #liberate2015

Here are my favorite quotes from the speakers at Liberate 2015 from Thursday:

When you see sin for what it is, you cannot hold onto the thought that the law is all you need. It doesn't work. (Paul Tripp)

"Christ is all" is what parents need to hear. You can trust him with your success and failure.  It's more than just what you do.  We don't live under covenant of works but under covenant of grace. (Jessica Thompson)

A sermon should meet at intersection of real questions and real pain & person of Jesus Christ. (Jono Linebaugh)

Create a worship culture that makes it more likely the gospel moves from head to heart to hands. (Scotty Smith)

It took me a long time to realize this and a war to live this: unless your ministry is firmly rooted in finished work of Christ, it will be uprooted by some form of ministry dysfunction. (Paul Tripp)

I need someone constantly reminding me that "it is finished." It's not about how well we do. (Shari Thomas)

If it is not finished for you, it won't be finished for your church. (Steve Brown)


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