Liberating Preaching by Jono Linebaugh #liberate2015

How do we preach the same sermon every week?

What do we say? Love (Greatest Commandments)
Where does it come from?
Not from telling people to do it
It comes from faith
Romans 10:17-Word creates faith which is active in love.

Minister's One Job-Preach the Word

From where & to where do you preach the Word?
What the heart desires determines what we do.
Minister the Word to the heart. How?
You can't. The Spirit is the only one who can.
The first question is not about speaking, but hearing. 
We need words from the heart to the heart.
You do your reading and studying of Scripture in conversation with real life.

A sermon shout meet at intersection of real questions and real pain & person of Jesus Christ.

Two Kinds of Truth
Preach the Law (diagnose sinners)
Doing the work of diagnosis. How?
Describe life as it really is. Tell honest stories & illustrations
Preach the Gospel (deliver sinners)
Speaking the promise of God in Jesus' name


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