Liberating the Heart of the Church by Scotty Smith #liberate2015

None of us are called to be the 4th member of the Trinity.

How does the Bible describe a liberated church? 2 Corinthians 8:1-7

5 Affirmations:

Savor God's outrageous love for us. Take care of your heart.
How? A whole gospel for whole of you.
Learn to care of yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally

Jack Miller said, "you can't have too much gospel or prayer going on in Christ Community Church"
The culture of church was prayer before, during, and after service.
Make the health of your leadership culture as high a priority as you can
Does our budget reflect that we love our leaders?
How are we helping them grow in grace & gospel?
Staff for gospel renewal. Vet with the gospel in mind.
Pay special attention to relational dynamics among leaders.
Watch out for triangulation.

David Arms Painting-Whole Story of God
First Panel-Genesis 1-2 (Birds-chickadees)
Last Panel-Revelation (Birds of gathering of nation)
Second Panel-Fall
Third Panel-Redemption (see through cross)
We must give the church all 4 panels of the story not just 2.
Bored Brother-Not impacted by whole story
Bohemian Brother-Stuck in "Glad I'm not a legalist anymore"

Create a worship culture that makes it more likely the gospel moves from head to heart to hands.


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