"It is Finished: The End of Our Identity Crisis"--Elyse Fitzpatrick #liberate2015

Where do we get our identity from? Birth certificate, resume, & tombstone

"No guilt in life, no fear in death" from In Christ Alone-When you think about your identity, think about these words.

Many people will say to me, "I know God loves me, but I don't think He likes me."

The Law is not meant to terrify the believer! It makes us grateful for Christ keeping the Law in our place.

Speaking about keeping the law--God doesn't grade on a curve. And if He does, Christ ruins it.

Hebrews 2:10-3:1

When you think about your identity, consider Jesus! Jesus is the point.

Jesus' Father is our Father. We have been adopted. 
Jesus is not ashamed to call us brother or sister.  
Jesus is not ashamed to call us His own.
Our resume will never be enough. 
Jesus is not ashamed. If we struggle with guilt/shame, we are not believing them
Jesus wants us to know that He is proud of us.
Your relationship with Christ is not based on what you do.
He calls you brother/sister because He loves you.
Jesus took on flesh and blood. Why?
Through death, He would destroy devil who has power of death. (Hebrews 2:14). Satan had power of death because he could accuse you. In Eden, he began to exercise this power.
He did this to give you a new identity.
Jesus, our brother, crushed Satan's head.
Christ redeemed us from the curse of law by becoming the curse for us. Jesus fulfilled the law in our place. He silenced the Law. Therefore the Law cannot condemn us.
When Satan accuses you, look up! We conquer him by the blood of Lamb & word of testimony (not ours, but His)
We are not to labor under our disobedience, but remember Jesus is our obedience.
Jesus is not just our example. He is our righteousness.
If Jesus fulfilled the law in our place, what do we do? Believe!
Our fear of death is always linked to a fear of punishment.
No punishment awaits you!
The fear of punishment is not going to make you obedient.
2 Motivations in world--promise of reward (carrot) & threat of punishment (beat with stick). The Father breaks the stick of punishment and feeds us the carrot. Anything else will end up in pride or despair.
We experience many "little deaths" every day!
Who am I? Not my resume, but "I am a daughter of the King who has a Brother who loves me."
Propitiation-Jesus is the wrath bearer.  He bore all of God's wrath. Disappointment is always result of unmet expectation.
Motivation of heart-only thing that can change it is love.

What should we do?  Here is my application. Consider Jesus! Consider what He has done. 

Where do we find our identity? Only in the finished work of Jesus!
He was raised for our justification.


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