Addition or Multiplication?

This question of addition or multiplication is a popular one in the church today.  Our church is seeking to find the answer to the question.  One of the ways we are seeking answers is our DMC (Discipleship Ministries Committee) at Hesston MB Church is reading through Multiply by Francis Chan.  We have been discussing for several months now the best way to be a church that makes disciples who makes disciples.  Multiply was where we decided to start.  I have read most of the book now and wanted to share a few quotes from my reading on the chapters focused on the New Testament.

"It is our pleasure to serve this King, and we should find joy in submitting to His will. Furthermore, it should not be enough that we ourselves enjoy a healed relationship with our King; we should want every person on earth to experience this great salvation."
"We need God's power in order to carry the gospel into every part of the globe. Only God's power can transform rebels into disciples."
"The Spirit is absolutely essential for fulfilling the mission we have been given."
"While no one can deny that the church has its share of problems, Jesus never gave us the option of giving up on His church. And He certainly would not approve of us "hating" her. The church was His idea, so it is impossible to follow Him while shunning the church He died to save."
"The same God who multiplied the early church works through the church today. And the same Spirit who lived in the midst of the Christians in the first century lives within the church of the twenty-first century."


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