Coffee, Books and Kids

Yesterday, I was at my Thursday morning office, Lincoln Perk.  For those who don't know, I have chosen to set aside Thursday morning for reading.  I have also made a choice to do this reading at a local coffee shop instead of my office where I could be distracted to do other work.  It also allows me to bump into people from the community and church.

I was reading Mark Driscoll's book, Who Do You Think You Are? I will be posting more about this book in posts next week.  But I was also watching some kids whose moms had gathered for coffee.  They were having a great time going from chair to chair.  It was not distracting, but fun to watch.  As I was going back and forth between reading and watching, I read the following quote from the book by Karl Barth.  Barth was asked what was the single most important theological discovery he'd made.  Barth replied, "Jesus loves me. This I know, for the Bible tells me so."

A few minutes later, one of the little boys (almost 2 years old) came over to a chair near me and he was singing, "Yes, Jesus loves me!" Coincidence?  I don't think so.  I want to remind you today, from the greatest scholars and theologians of the day to the littlest of children, Jesus Loves You!

Spend some time today thinking about the great love God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have for you today.


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