
Yesterday, I had to restore my cell phone.  This is not a post about Android vs. iPhone.  However, it did cause me to think about the restoring process.  I had to hook my phone up to a computer where it was restored to its original settings.  This took a long time-several hours to be exact. After it was restored, it could then update settings so my phone is just as it was before the restoration.

I was reminded of a verse from Psalm 51:12 which says:
Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
    and uphold me with a willing spirit.
We all need to be restored back occasionally to the salvation that Jesus offers.  Sometimes we forget the cost for him to save us.  We forget his life, his death, and his resurrection.  We go through life on auto pilot and forget our salvation.  Similar to how we use our phones, we just expect them to work and when they don't, we have to restore them to the original settings.

Do you need to be restored to the joy of your salvation?  I know I need it from time.  Happy restoration!


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