Identity: Who You Are In Christ

As I have mentioned before, I am reading through several books this summer on our identity in Christ.  I am almost finished with Who Do You Think You Are? by Mark Driscoll, but decided to pick up another book called Identity by Eric Geiger.  The chapters I read last week were entitled, "You Are The Priest & You Are the Bride."  Here are a few thoughts from Geiger on identity:
"You are a priest because God calls you a priest."
"If you are a follower of Christ, God has qualified you to enter His presence."
"Many Christians live defeated because they believe the lie that they are prisoners of sin. The reality is that Christ has set us free from sin. In fact, the word sinner is never used in the Bible of a Christian. While we still sin, and will struggle with sin, our identity is no longer that of a sinner. We are brand-new people."
"You are the bride of Christ because Christ brought His righteousness into the relationship."


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