Calling all guys: young and old

Guys, I hope this post will be an encouragment to you in your battles and temptation.  It is taken from the book, The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson.
The Enemy of our souls is known as "the accuser of our brethren," and when it comes to the brethren, most of Satan's accusations have to do with sexual sins. For men, the spiritual battle is often won or lost on the battlefield of sexual temptation. And when we lose a battle, the enemy wants us to give up the fight. Can I remind you of something the enemy knows all too well? You may lose some battles, but the war has already been won. And while the Enemy never stops accusing us, our Almighty Ally never stops fighting for us, never gives up on us. 
Brian (and you) is winning the battle because Christ already won the war. 
The truth is that the victory has already been won. To seal the victory, all it takes is a defining decision and a daily decision. 
Some of us don't start fighting the battle because we're not sure we can win the war, but the war has already been won nearly two thousand years ago at Calvary. All you have to worry about is winning the battle today. God can take care of tomorrow.


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