Tim Kimmel at #d62013

The solution is not slicker programs, but what happens at home.

God's Love is best nurtured through spiritually thriving families.

Family is a domestic church. Church is a gathering of domestic churches.
God has not caused us to raise safe Christian kids, but instead strong ones.
Unfortunately, many church programs enable us 

The gospel is best illustrated through churches and homes that reflect God's heart.

Churches that are strong on truth, but short on grace are not teaching truth.
God's heart of grace must be how people feel the truth coming at them.
Amos 5:21-24 (The Message)
Grace makes people nervous.  Grace makes pastors nervous.  Why? They misunderstand grace.
Discipline and correction are a form of grace.
Law and truth are easy to measure.  Grace is hard to measure.  
Biblical orthodoxy is about what we know.  Grace is how we come across.  Grace should describe what we are.

God love is best transferred through churches and families that are guided by God's  truth and tempered by his grace.
      John 1:14, 2 Peter 3:18

The gospel is best leveraged when churches and families operate in partnership.

Performance cannot be how we share grace.
We limit grace to saving grace. We need God's grace center stage.

God gave his heart so that we can have a new heart. 


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