D6 Minis, Part 2 #d62013

Skit Guys gave us great laughs talking about their understanding of D6 which is "Designate 6" people to impress our kids.  It was a humorous way to think about role of parents in life of kids.

Timothy Smith

What is our family identity?  Who do we want our kids to be?  So, we started to plan.
Do they have a plan for generational discipleship?
Cookie cutters work good for cookies, but don't work on the hearts of our kids.We need a plan for generational discipleship.
We must give people small wins in discipling their kids.
He shared his family faith plan which incorporates senses and times of day.  This is followed by a family time experience.

Lydia Randall

Busyness. I'm tired?  Are you?
We don't say fine any more, we instead say "busy."
We wear our busyness as a badge of honor. Busyness is killing our hearts.
Most of our families at Lake Pointe will give us two time slots.
Faith Path-includes path as well as tools



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