Favorite Quotes from #d62013

Don't give up on our young people. Keep praying. Keep trusting that God is working beyond what we can see and imagine. Prodigals have a way of coming home. (Robert Morgan)

Activity for Christ does not equal intimacy with Christ.  You can do.  But first you must be. (Dave Stone)

So many of our decisions in church are based on pragmatism rather than the Bible. (Rob Rienow)

We are not always fighting about reality, but instead our perception. Every fight can be attributed to a perceived threat or perceived neglect. (Les & Leslie Parrott)

Your marriage takes place on a battlefield not a romantic balcony. The Enemy hates marriage. (Todd Wagner)

USC Researchers found that a close relationship with a parent, especially a dad, was biggest predictor of passing on faith. (Ed Stetzer)

My father was a moral compass and a lighthouse.  (James Dobson)

Biblical orthodoxy is about what we know.  Grace is how we come across.  Grace should describe what we are. (Tim Kimmel)

If I keep reminding them about the gospel, they won't do want they want but instead do what God wants. Identity in Christ matters. (Darrin Patrick)


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