D6 Minis, Part 1 at #d62013

The afternoon session began with several speakers sharing briefly on a practical topic.

Mark Holmen

Deuteronomy 6:1-12

Our choices not only affect us but it will also affect multiple generations.
If you follow God's way, it will go well for us.
The only way to true wellness is the one true God.
Are we in love with God or are we just doing church?
First thing that will impress others is our love.
I believe our problems in Christianity is not what is happening at church, but instead what is not happening at home.
What is your intentional strategy to making the home the primary place where faith is developed?

Mike Trimble

My goal was not to have a talk. My goal was to begin a lifelong discussion.
Luke 2:52-Jesus grew in wisdom and stature & in favor with God & men.
I wanted to raise godly kids not good kids. 
I also wanted to talk about troubles of the teen years.
Five broad issues we discussed on bike ride: physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual

Tommy Sanders

Our boys and girls are trying to discover their identity.
Elementary aged kids spend 53 hours in front of a screen.
Kids have unlimited access to media all the time and that media has unlimited access to our kids as well.
Are you judging me? No, I am asking you to judge yourself.
Our kids are basing their identity based on the choices we make as parents.
Kids have more access to media, but less connection and less relationships.
What are parents known by? If children named us, what would our name be?


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