6 Principles of Being Incarnational By Deb Hirsch #exponential

Mission is about going out.  Incarnation is going down deep into a culture.

1. Presence
It's really about identification. We need to understand the people.
The world has come to us.  We don't have to go overseas to be exposed to different cultures.
We see this in Jesus.

2. Proximity
We need to get up close and personal. Need to be able to touch them.
Where you stand determines what you see.
Very rarely did Jesus put Himself in religious zones.
If I don't see needs, I won't be able to meet them.

3. Pre-venience
God is at work in every single person preparing them to look at Jesus.
Don't assume God is not at work in certain people or certain places.
Be looking or listening for how God is already working.

4. Powerlessness
Think about the God of the Universe as a baby.
Philippians 2
There is no place for arrogance in life of a Christian. We serve a humble God.

5. Passion
Having an understanding of what happened on the cross.
We all suffer, struggle, or have pain.  Are you willing to share this with others?

6. Proclamation
Declaring that Jesus is Lord. The kingdom of God is here. It's the Good News!
We usually lead with this principle when maybe it should be the last one.
It allows the soil to be prepared.


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