Are You Afraid Today?

Steven Furtick has a great chapter in Crash the Chatterbox on facing fear.  Here is some encouragement for you today:
But fear is neither linear no logical.
Because fear often finds its power, not in our actual situation, but in what we tell ourselves about our situation.
The Jezebel Effect robs you of the time and space that is meant to be reserved for restful confidence in God.
I'm encouraged that when He finds us in our fears, He speaks to us, not with threats of retribution, but with reminders of His care and concern.
It's also true that God's Word cannot adequately sustain you--no matter how prevalent it is around you--until your receive it within you.
We can never hope to crash the chatterbox until the signal (God's Word) becomes louder in our lives than the incessant noise around us that clamors for our attention and depletes our courage.
The Enemy can't do a thing to diminish God's promises--that ability is decidedly beyond the limits of his power. So instead he lures you into places where your perspective of God's promises will be diminished.
If God wants us to hear and know and obey His voice, why does He whisper? He whispers because He's close.
The key is training your mind to know the difference between the Enemy's threats and God's whispers--and conditioning your heart to respond accordingly. 


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