Choco DeJesus on "Rethinking Outreach at #Exponential

Sometimes we use prayer as a crutch not do anything.

Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

God is always pursuing man. We need to go out and seek.

We are living in a society where people are blind. The church has the answer.

Do not let your limitation dictate your faith!

In Luke 15, we have people looking for the sheep and coin, but no one is looking for the boy. 

Throw the net! Our job is to fish. It's the Holy Spirit's job to clean them.

Jesus calls Zacchaeus (means Righteous One) by name.  He called him by who He was not how he was acting.

Out of the mess, Christ has a message.

The U.S. economy might be in a recession. The global economy might be in a recession. But the kingdom of God is never in a recession.


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