Birthright: Living Out of our Transformed Identity #Exponential
Twitter @CaesarKal

Our identity is at the core of the gospel.

Is there not more to our faith than behavior modification?
Why do we trust Jesus for eternal life but not for the here and now?

Story of boy from Sudan: They had found their identity and purpose in Christ.

Secret to the Christian Life-our identity in Christ

Way of World-"what we do to be"
Way of Jesus-"we be to do"

God said, "I will fill all things with my glory." Glory in Hebrew is weighty. 

Jesus is the glory of the father. He will fill earth with His glory through His people.

As a disciple, who was sent to make disciples who make disciples. Since God is our Father, we are a family. Jesus is our King so we are servants. Holy Spirit is sent & power, we are missionaries.

Baptism-soak them in their new identity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

We have been told only part of the story (Genesis 3-Revelation 20). This is the "good news" we tell our culture. You suck and you are going to pay for it. We cannot leave out Genesis 1-2 who tells who God is and how we as humans are created in His image. In Revelation 21-22, Jesus is returning and will restore all things.

Do we believe our identity? Do we live out of that identity?

The point of the cross is not to avoid Hell. 

Discipleship is the process of moving from unbelief to belief in all areas of life.

When you see a community living out of a transformed identity, you are drawn to it.

Jesus life, death, and resurrection has brought about this new identity.

What are the implications of living out of our identity as the church?
Generous, freedom, no shame, gather together, celebrate as family, serve, 

Paul corrects the church by reminding them of their identity.

God punishes every sin and it was done on the cross.

Repentance means to believe the truth and live in light of that truth. Repentance is not stop that & feel bad.

Look at church discipline in light of identity.

Justice and righteousness is same Hebrew word. It is not punitive but restorative.


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