Journal Entry from Good Friday

Last Friday, as pastors we asked our congregation to consider a corporate fast for 12 hours on Good Friday.  As pastors, we each took a four hour shift to be available in the sanctuary to pray with people.  People came in and out during my time, but I spent most of the time praying and reading the Bible on behalf of Hesston MB. 

Here is a portion of what I wrote down during my time in the sanctuary:

Because Christ is Redeemer, I am redeemed.
Because Christ is Savior, I am saved.
Because Christ is Reconciler, I am reconciled.
Because Christ is Forgiver, I am forgiven.
Because Christ is Healer, I am healed.
Because Christ is Provider, I am provided for.
Because Christ is Peace, I have peace.
Because Christ is Creator, I am new.
Because Christ is a Gift Giver, I am gifted.
Because Christ is Rescuer, I am rescued.
Because Christ is Loving, I am loved.
Because Christ is Righteous, I am righteous.
Because Christ is Holy, I am holy.
Because Christ is King, I am a prince.
Because God is Father, I am His child.
Because Christ is Blesser, I am blessed.
Because Christ is Chooser, I am chosen.
Because God is Parent, I am adopted.
Because Christ has victory, I am victorious.
Because Christ is Great High Priest, I am a priest.
Because Christ defeated death, I am alive.
Because Christ defeated sin, I am not condemned.
Because Christ fulfilled the law, I live by faith.
Because Christ defeated Satan, I am free.


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