Caesar Kalinowski on gospel and identity at #Exponential

The gospel needs to be at the center of all our community.  The gospel is for eternity and for the here and now.

How can we grow in our gospel fluency?

The gospel is not just facts about Jesus. It should affect all of our life. Everything comes from the gospel (marriage, parenting, work, service, church)

We usually teach the gospel from Genesis 3 to Revelation 20. What about Genesis 1-2 & Revelation 21-22? We need to teach about God who is good and restores all things.  It's a better message than you suck and you are going to pay for it.

Shame and self-righteousness are poor motivations for the kingdom.

Where does our identity come from? We need to "be to do".

As a disciple, our identity comes from the Trinity. We have a Father so we are a family. We have a King so we are servants. We have a Holy Spirit who is powerful & sent so we are missionaries.

We can choose not to live out of our identity in Christ but it is still true of us!

We exist to show God's glory-to show what God is like.

Tools for Motivation

Who is God? What is He like?
What has He done? Best displayed by Jesus
What is true of me?
How do I get to live?

We need to reinforce who God is and who we are to rightly motivate our actions.

Best tool by Kalinowski is The Gospel Primer

Discipleship is moving from unbelief to belief in all of life. All sin comes from unbelief.

4 Truths about God
God is Great so you don't have to be in control.
God is Glorious so you don't have to fear others.
God is Good so you don't have to look elsewhere for your satisfaction.
God is Gracious so you don't have to prove yourself to self, others or God.

The Gospel is not you should or shouldn't do. But instead you get to.



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