Tim Catchim at #Exponential

Vin diagram of Discipleship, Gospel, Apest
APEST (Apostles, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher)
Ephesians 4:7-11

"Each one of us" has been given grace in Greek actually means "each one of us." All of us are gifted. What causes decline? When you separate the leaders from the people

Ephesians 4 is significant because we are called to use our gift and equip others to use that gift too. 

Vs. 1-7-Focus on "ones" for all
Vs. 8-11-Focus on diversity of gifts
Vs. 12-16-Outcome is maturity

Apostle-"apo-stello"-to separate, to send
Prophet-"pro-phetes"-before (space, time), to bring something (speak) into the light
Evangelist-"ev-angelos"-one who tells & invites
Shepherd-carries rod and staff, protecting & providing are functions
Teacher-primarily concerned with explaining or training (topics & tasks)

Who we bring to the table when discussing discipleship matters? Is APEST involved? All five need to be involved.


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