
Sermon Notes-"Transitional Thoughts"

Introduction: As I was thinking and praying about what to share during my final sermon on staff, I began to think of the transition that I am making as well as the church.   We as pastors have been consistently focused on three priorities over the last several years: prayer, worship and equip.   So, even though I may no longer be on staff in a few weeks at this church, as a member of this church I believe just as strongly that Hesston MB needs to continue to be about these priorities in the days ahead.   However, the more I prayed about it, the more I realized that to get to these priorities, we as a church also had to make some transitions so that is why I am entitling this message “Transitional Thoughts”.   Transition is defined as “the process or an instance of changing from one form, state, activity, or place to another.” Educate to Equip- Ephesians 4:11-16 ·          What is the difference?   o    To e...

Sermon Notes-The Challenge based on Acts 11:1-18

Introduction: What is the definition of challenge? Challenge can be defined in multiple ways: engage in a contest or fight, a demand for explanation; a calling into question or the quality of requiring full use of one’s abilities, energy or resources. We will see in our Scripture this morning from Acts that Peter faced a challenge from his friends and religious leaders.   It actually fits the definitions above: it could become a fight, it required an explanation and it uses all Peter’s abilities, energy and resources. React- vs. 1-3 ·          Why is this story repeated?   It is important for the rest of the story which includes Paul’s missionary journeys in the rest of the book of Acts. ·          Vs. 1-Others throughout Judea hear that the Gentiles have received the Word of God. o    The Good News spread quickly about what had happened with Cornelius ·     ...

Sermon Notes "Plans" based on Acts 10:24-48

Introduction: I would like you to think about the word “plans”. Write down on your bulletin some plans you have for: this week, summer, your future, etc.   I am a planner so I love to know what is going to happen.   Yet we also need to keep in mind a Scripture from Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” We are going to see from the story of Peter and Cornelius, two great leaders who had plans yet God had a different plan and purpose for them and for others. Prepared- vs. 24-29 ·          Vs. 23-24-Peter and Cornelius have visions (10:1-23) o    Peter is told not to call common what God has made clean (15). As Peter is trying to figure out what it means, some men come and find him. o    Cornelius is told to call for a man named Peter and is given his location and he sends his servants to find him. o    Peter makes preparations and...

Sermon Notes-"Stones" based on Acts 7:54-60

Introduction: I wanted to title the message today “Stoned” but decided that might have a different meaning.   But the more I studied and prayed the more I realized I was to preach this passage while highlighting the “stones” that we throw at one another in the church.   So, as I mention those I will move a stone from the pile to the steps as a symbol of laying it down instead of continuing to use against brothers and sisters. Review- vs. 54 Who is Stephen?-Ch. 6-Seven chosen including Stephen were to be good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom, he was full of faith, Stephen was full of grace and power and was doing great signs and wonders, as Brad said he was the head of the hospitality committee- Religion (law and temple) Now when they heard these things—ground their teeth gnashing the teeth is a sign of hostility and rage [1] Vs. 51-Stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy ...