
Showing posts from 2019

Sermon Notes-JOY based on Isaiah 51:11-16

Introduction : What is joy?   Video from The Bible Project o    Definition : Attitude God’s people adopt not because of happy circumstances but because of their hope in God’s love and His promises. Joy is not determined by their struggles but their future destiny. o    It was a dominant theme in the book of Philippians that we preached through a few years ago. “It has its basis in the hope and confidence of faith…it is also a fruit of the Spirit…Because faith and its joy do not come from ourselves, Paul can be confident and rejoice” [1] no matter what Joy in Life (vs. 11)     Quote of Isaiah 35:10 o    suggests that God should act now like he will in the end of time [2] §   This quote sounds like a prayer Jesus taught us to pray “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)   Vs. 11-The ransomed will return--From Babylon o    They are not experiencing this p...

Sermon Notes: Double Minded? based on 1 Corinthians 2:10-16

Introduction: Go to google and type in top 10 lists and you will find a list of top 10’s about everything from animals, books, food, games, best jobs, best memes, music, famous people, TV characters, movies, most annoying, scariest things, drinks, stressful things in high school, brands, sports, vacation destinations, toys, to top 10 questions for those who look at all of these top ten lists from As I was thinking about how to start the message today, I wanted to start with 10 things we know about the Holy Spirit according to Scripture.   Ten Truths about the Holy Spirit ·          Fully God -uncreated, eternal, all knowing, all powerful, always present ·          Counselor-Spirit of truth will be with you and in us -John 14:16-18 ·          Counselor will teach and remind you-John 14:26 ·       ...

Sermon Notes-"Shout Out"

Here are my sermon notes from my message today at Hesston MB Church based on 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. Introduction: In our verses this morning, we will hear Paul giving some shout outs to the Corinthians but ultimately to God himself.   God gives grace vs. 4-6 ·          Vs. 4-I thank God for you o    In what ways, have you told God thank you for the people around you?   What about those in this room?   Your Workplace? Your Home? o    In our culture of put downs, name calling and negativity, it is refreshing to see Paul start with encouragement and praise even though Paul has some difficult things he needs to address. ·          Vs. 4-Why does Paul thank God? o    Because of grace given you in Christ Jesus §   Grace is “favor, goodwill, free benovolence, gift, benefit” offered or given by Jesus in spite of you.   You might say...