Sermon Notes "I Need A Sign" based on 1 Corinthians 14:20-25
Introduction: Have you heard someone say, “God, give me a sign.” What exactly is a sign? I immediately thought about hand signs of a few college teams (WSU, K-State, Texas). Here’s my thoughts as we prepare to hear the passage today. These signs are not WSU, K-State or Texas but they point to those universities. In the same way, prophecy and tongues are pointing or directing to something else as well. Review · Pursue love, gifts, and prophecy; purpose of tongues and prophecy (to build up) (1-5) · Use of examples and application for tongues/prophecy (band, battle, languages) (6-12) · Building Up The Church (spirit, soul, body; edification, God’s at Work In You) (13-19) Maturity (vs. 20-21) · Vs. 20-Do not be children (young child) in your thinking (proce...